Upper Room, Irvine, CA 2013-6.jpeg

A Note From Executive Producer Ron Strand

Feature 1

If you have attended the Upper Room anytime since 2017, certainly you have heard me talk about the live LOVE SONG concert we recorded at the Upper Room in the summer of that year. On several occasions I announced upcoming release dates which came and went. While we had the best intentions of making those dates, we found ourselves changing and adding to the project.

What was originally intended to simply be a live-concert video, has developed into a full-length biographic documentary about this iconic band that helped changed Christian music. The documentary chronicles their beginning and the impact their music had on countless people worldwide.

It will be an excellent film, and what we have now includes not only great music, but vintage video clips, photos, and on-screen interviews with many of the influential people who were impacted during the Jesus Movement and by the music of LOVE SONG. (see below)

The original funds raised have been used for production and promotional expenses to date.

Filming is almost complete, but capital to continue has been depleted. We had hoped to begin post-production editing soon… and that is where your partnership comes in.

Some have already graciously given, but we still need to raise a great deal of funding to get it across the finish line. CLICK HERE to learn more.

The vision is to reach people with the Gospel and leave a legacy for many generations. I am both personally and financially invested in this project and committed to seeing it reach the audiences it needs to touch.

Would you prayerfully consider becoming a partner in this project by making a tax-deductible donation?

A donation of any size is greatly appreciated, and we would be most grateful.


Ron Strand
Executive Producer & Founder of The Upper Room Presents

Below is a partial list of contributors:

Michael W. Smith
Greg Laurie
Phil Keaggy
Chad Butler
Jeremy Camp
Bryan Duncan
Mike Huckabee
Franklin Graham
Mike MacIntosh
Skip Heitzig
Debby Kerner-Rettino
Cheryl Broderson
Don Moen
Chuck Butler
Bob Bennett
Paul Clark
Michele Pillar
Tommy Walker
Stan Moser
Jackie Patillo, and many others…